Wednesday 7 April 2010

Wednesday 7th April

Edward and his sister, Katie, have been at Grandma and Grandad's house today. A day in the office for me so a good opportunity to fax (amazed people still use these things!) invoices from the surgeon to the insurance company and print off my list of questions. We meet with the surgeon this Friday, so I've prepared a long list of questions, with spaces in between to allow room for answers.

The insurance company still haven't confirmed that they'll cover the cost of Edward's surgery in 3 weeks times, but I'm feeling (unusually) positive that this won't be a problem. They're simply waiting on a letter from the surgeon and, given that he hasn't sent it yet, it's not surprising that they haven't given us the go-ahead.

Three weeks today. I can't believe it's approaching that quickly. Poor Edward.

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