Thursday 29 April 2010

Back at Home - 29th April 2010

Day 1 at home.

Yesterday was a long day with a very different outcome to that which we'd expected.  A better prognosis for Edward in the long run, but it does mean a longer time in the Spica cast.

When we arrived at Queen Mary's it was clear that the surgeon was all set to perform an open reduction to force the femur into the hip socket by scraping, re-shaping and, finally, breaking the femur.  So we were expecting a minimum of 2 nights in the hospital during which time Edward would be on strong pain medicines.

So, it was a real surprise when the surgeon left the theatre to tell us that the femur had popped back into the socket very easily - all much better than we were expecting.

This means that Edward didn't need surgery yesterday but has been set in a cast until 2nd June when an osteotomy will be performed, followed by a further 6 weeks in a Spica cast.  Bad news in the short term but much better for Edward in the longer term.

In the Hospital

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