Thursday 8 April 2010

Thursday 8th April

Edward and Katie came home from Grandma and Grandad's house today. It was a beautiful, sunny, warm today - felt like the first real spring day we've had all year. It was so great to see them both. I kept the patio doors open and they were in and out of the garden laughing and generally having heaps of fun.

Edward is practically running now - although still with a very pronounced limp. That said it's amazing what he can do when you think that his right hip is dislocated.

Also had some great news from a family I contacted via the Steps website (
They have a Spica Chair that may be suitable for Edward.  My husband took the call, so just need to call back and make an arrangement to go and see it.  If suitable, the chair will make it possible for Edward to sit up at a table to eat meals and do a bit of drawing, etc.  Otherwise it will be 6 weeks on a bean bag or cushions I think.

Back at St Anthony's Hospital tomorrow to meet with the surgeon.

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